النشرات الدعائية

Excellence XPR Balances

النشرات الدعائية

Go Beyond Weighing

Excellence XPR Balances: Understanding Sample Value
Excellence XPR Balances: Understanding Sample Value

Valid Results Every Time

Successful analyses begin with accurate weighing, and, thanks to smart quality assurance features, XPR analytical balances deliver valid results first time, every time. Seamlessly integrating into your existing information system, XPR analytical balances support the highest requirements for security, efficiency and compliance.


Right-first-time results

Intelligent functions, such as StatusLight, LevelControl and GWP Approved, help ensure right-first-time results by actively monitoring that all relevant conditions for correct weighing are met.


Consistent workflows

Process and balance settings for different weighing tasks can be saved on the balance as individual methods. Easily accessed, users have a quick and convenient way to start tasks and every user follows the same procedure.


Easy automation upgrade

XPR analytical balances are easily extended to provide automated powder and / or liquid dosing. Automated dosing offers a level of accuracy and user safety which is impossible to match in a manual process.

Read more on the XPR Analytical balances

Brochure: Excellence XPR Balances

Go Beyond Weighing

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